Thank you for your precious contributions! Support our charity campaign against the novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV and help us prevent the spread of it by providing all the necessary medical supplies!
2020/02/07The epidemic of 2019-nCoV, the novel coronavirus that started spreading in Wuhan (Hubei, China), is still wreaking havoc on people’s lives. Stereotypes and prejudices went more viral than the virus itself. Once again, as if we had never learned from history, Chinese food is considered strange and dangerous, and a relatively few people’s infection spreads panic about them all. We at the World Chilli Alliance are directly and indirectly affected. Our headquarters are in Chongqing, China. The team
2020/02/06La World Chilli Alliance (WCA) ha ufficializzato il lancio dell’iniziativa di solidarietà, “Noi siamo con la Cina, e tu?”, volta a mettere in atto concreti sistemi di supporto verso le comunità cinesi principalmente colpite dalla crisi sanitaria causata dalla diffusione del nuovo coronavirus. Trattasi altresì di una campagna di sensibilizzazione dell’opinione pubblica internazionale mirata a diffondere in maniera trasparente ed efficace notizie ed aggiornamenti sulla condizione reale della prede
2020/02/05Due to the critical situation that China is experiencing as a result of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus, the World Chilli Alliance announces the launch of a charity activity aimed at creating and strengthening support systems for the communities most affected by this health crisis.
2020/02/03On January 8th 2020, the World Chilli Alliance (WCA) and the Italian Chili PepperAccademy jointly hosted the "Chilli Pepper along One Belt One Road" Forum (with the original title of "Diamante in the World - Il Peperoncino sulla via della della seta")
2020/01/09On the morning of December 31th 2019, the ceremony and press conference of the first\
2020/01/02OnDecember 18th 2019, the Investment Promotion Conference of Tamil Nadu (India) washeld at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Jiangbei District (Chongqing). The World ChilliAlliance (WCA) was invited to participate in the conference together with about40 Chongqing enterprises to discuss potential cooperation between China and Indiain export trade and industrial investment. Speechdelivered by J. Snehaja, Second Secretary of the Economic and CommercialDepartment of the Embassy of India TheSecond Secretary
2019/12/19In order toseize new opportunities between China and Latin American countries, stimulatethe possibility that the market offers, deepen economic and cultural exchanges andconsolidate cooperation, the World Chilli Alliance and Chongqing governmentdelegation conducted an in-depth visit to and investigation in Latin America fromDecember 8 th to 16 th . At theinvitation of Chongqing government, the World Chilli Alliance participated inthe 13 th China-LAC Business Summit held in Panama City from Decem
2019/12/17FromDecember 12 th to 14 th 2019, the World Chilli Alliance was invited, as VIPguest, to participate in the 16th Malaysia International branding Showcase, theZhejiang International Trade (Malaysia) Exhibition and the 6th Zhejiang Export Fair(Malaysia), jointly sponsored by the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Proviceand Zhejiang Broad International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd. The exhibitionwas held at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur. This exhibition hasbeen held in Kual
2019/12/15On December2nd, the 2nd \
2019/12/03On November29 th , the World Chilli Alliance (WCA) went to Chengdu to participate in the PromotionConference in Chengdu about China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone. As aparticipant, WCA discussed with many enterprises about the developmentopportunities and prospects of China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and thefuture cooperation between WCA and Yunnan in different fields, such as economy,culture and so forth. China(Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, hereinafter referred to as \
2019/11/30FromNovember 23 th to 24 th , the World Chilli Alliance (WCA) was invited toparticipate in \
2019/11/25© 2020 World Chilli Alliance. All Rights Reserved.