Environment: it is what really matters when it comes to planning for a greener and better habitat, looking forward to present and future generations.
Cooperation: along with the increase of interdependency among countries’ economies, the world is urged to find new channels for mutual cooperation aimed at bridging the information gap between “local” and “global”, and between “production” and “consumption”.
Community: it goes beyond a simple sense of shared responsibilities and goals by providing people the space-less opportunity to feel, together, at the very center of their shared universe.
Simplicity: it is well recognized that chilli is a spice, yet it is not well understood all that is really behind it. Sometimes “simple means more”, and this is one of the many chilli-related stories that we wish the world knew in order to better appreciate simple things.
Fun: it is what drives us, all together, to appreciate daily life and all it entails.
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