World Chilli Alliance Joins the 16th Malaysia International Branding Showcase

date:2019-12-15 views:2907

From December 12th to 14th 2019, the World Chilli Alliance was invited, as VIP guest, to participate in the 16th Malaysia International branding Showcase, the Zhejiang International Trade (Malaysia) Exhibition and the 6th Zhejiang Export Fair (Malaysia), jointly sponsored by the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Provice and Zhejiang Broad International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd.

The exhibition was held at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur. This exhibition has been held in Kuala Lumpur for 16 consecutive years and the exhibitors who attend the event increase year by year. Now it has become one of the most important international exhibitions in Malaysia.

Edible Oil and Condiment Forum

After the opening ceremony, the Head Office Representative of WCA, Alessandro Maturo, delivered a speech at Edible Oil and Condiment Forum.

Alessandro Maturo introduced to Malaysian government officials, representatives of enterprises and local organizations from Malaysia, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Spain and other countries, value, philosophy, mission, activities and future goals of the World Chilli Alliance (WCA). The Alliance hopes to start in the future an in-depth cooperation with Malaysia and Southeast Asian countries in the chilli industry.

WCA was also invited to join the welcome dinner and have an exchange with representatives of local governments, associations and individuals from other countries and regions, and have a discussion about future cooperation between the World Chilli Alliance, Malaysia and other countries in supporting the development of the chilli supply chain in the world, especially as regards import and export of chilli.

In the picture, from left to right:

1. Peh Leong Seng, President of Malaysia Gift & Premium Association;

5. Zhang Hongbin, Deputy Director of Foreign and Trade Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province;

7. Datuk Wira Dr Mohd Hatta MD Ramli, Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur Development, Malaysia;

8. Han Xuexi, President of Malaysian Fruit farmers Association;

9. Song Hua, Vice Minister of Guizhou Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Investment (Guizhou International Chamber of Commerce);

10. Alessandro Maturo, Head Office Representative of the World Chili Alliance.

In the picture from left to right:

2. Alessandro Maturo, Head Office Representative of the World Chili Alliance;

3. Zhang Yijin, Secretary General Assistant of the World Chilli Alliance;

6. Khloe, Personal Assistant of Dato 'Chong Chong Tik, President of Malaysia Promas International Business Society;

7. Wan Yun, Head of Sichuan Agricultural Expo, Sichuan Expo Bureau and Sichuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd;

8. Yu Qinqin, Secretary General of Western China International Expo; Sichuan Bureau of Expo Affairs; Sichuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

World Chilli Alliance Exchange Meeting

Dato'chong Chong Tik, President of Malaysia Promas International Business Society and the World Union of Agricultural Association of Malaysia and Country Representative of Malaysia of the World Chilli Alliance, also delivered a speech during the event.

Moreover, the organizers arranged a "World Chilli Alliance Exchange Meeting" for WCA on purpose. The meeting gathered professionals, company representatives from Malaysian government and chilli related industry associations to further understand the membership structure and benefits of WCA, as well as the current projects that the Alliance is carrying out.

Alessandro Maturo and Dato' Chong Chong Tik talked about Kulai, a Malaysian chilli pepper variety.

Ceremony for the establishment of Malaysian Chili Enterprises Association

During the exhibition, the World Chilli Alliance was honored to witness the ceremony for the establishment of "Malaysian Chili Enterprises Association" organized by Dato' Chong Chong Tik to further develop the local chilli industry and promote the close connection between WCA and Malaysian members.

At the founding ceremony of Malaysian Chili Enterprises Association, local chilli producers, importers and exporters had an exchange with the World Chilli Alliance, expressing their hope to join the WCA in order to create more possibilities for the development of the global chilli industry.

We want to congratulate the Malaysian Chili Enterprise Association and look forward to cooperating with its members in the future to jointly carry out projects and activities related to Malaysian chilli industry

"Gold Chilli" member DeZhuang International

"Silver Chilli" member ChinEAT

"Silver Chilli" member Chinltaly

All the products exhibited and showed in the above pictures are from the members of the Chilli Business Club of the World Chilli Alliance.

Once again we would like to thank the organizers for their warm invitation as well as Mr. Dato' Chong Chong Tik for his support to the Alliance. This event was another great opportunity to let people be more aware of the infinite possibilities that a little spice as chilli pepper can create in building bridges that connect people from all over the world.

Phone: +8617880267457
E-mail: secretariate@worldchillialliance.com
Address: Blue Ocean Financial Center 9-9, Building 2, Qiaobeiyuan Road Jiangbei District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
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