On November 18th, 2019, the Chongqing Free Trade Zone Delegationcomposed of representatives of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce,Chongqing DeZhuang International Trade Co., Ltd., Chongqing Yangji Wei Kung FuCatering Management Co., Ltd., Chongqing Liu Yishou Hotpot Catering Group,Chongqing Lanhua Qi Catering Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Junlan Exhibition Co.,Ltd., went to the United States and Mexico for a visit exchange and mutuallearning of catering culture. Therepresentatives of WCA Gold
2019/11/21FromNovember 5th to 10th 2019, the 2nd ChinaInternational Import Expo held in Shanghai brought together more than 3000enterprises coming from 150 countries and regions around the world, includingmore than 250 of the 500 world top enterprises and industry leading companies. Duringthis important global event, Chongqing Hot Pot has built a bridge to connect peopleall over the world using food as main means of communication and achievedremarkable results. Atthe invitation of the Ministry of Commerce
2019/11/15On November 11 th , on occasion of the 6th edition of the Chengdu Creative Design Week, official delegation from Toronto led by the Executive Deputy Mayor of the City of Toronto Mr Denzil Minnan-Wong was invited by WCA Representative of Chengdu Mr Zhang Jiao (also Head of Chengdu Food Culture Exchange and Innovation) to visit World Chilli Alliance (WCA) Representative Office in Chengdu, which also serves as Chengdu Food Culture Exchange and Innovation Centre. During the meeting held at Chengdu F
2019/11/13Following the opening ceremony of the “biggesthot pot in the world” displayed by Dezhuang group in the designated pavilion,other two important ceremonies took place during the 2 nd China International Import Expo in Shanghai that we want to share with all ourspicy supporters and friends: First of all, the signing ceremony ofthe Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the World Trade Point Federation (WTPF) represented by the President Mr Bruno Masier and the World ChilliAlliance (WCA) represen
2019/11/08The “Biggest Hot Pot in the World”displayed itself in front of international traders Onthe morning of November 6 th , important leaders as the Party Memberof the Ministry of Commerce and Assistant Minister Mr. Ren Hongbin and the ViceMayor of Chongqing Municipal Government Mr. Xiong Xue, together with variousdomestic and international media, gathered in the Chongqing Intangible CulturalHeritage Big Hot Pot Experience Area to participatein the opening ceremony of the “biggest hot pot in the world
2019/11/06On November 5 th Chongqing Dezhuang Group, in accordance with theinstructions of the Leaders of the Ministry of Commerce and Chongqing MunicipalCommission of Commerce, will be present at the 2 nd China InternationalImport Expo held in Shanghai displaying the \
2019/11/04From 18th to 20th October, the “2019 International Food Festival of Chengdu Pidu District the7thPixian Douban Expo” was successfully held in Pidu District. The eventwas sponsored by Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce and People’s Governmentof Pidu District, and organized by the Publicity Department of Pidu District CPCCommittee and the Pidu District Bureau of Commerce. The World Chilli Alliance(WCA) was kindly invited as one of the international guests and on the occasionthe Science Specialist
2019/10/21We were very honored to have beeninvited to take part in the Conference about the Promotion of Cultural Tourismof Chongqing held in Rome at The Westin Excelsior Hotel on 17th October andorganized by Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Developmentand the China National Tourist Office in Rome. The President for Europe Enzo Monaco, the Secretary General Gianluca Luisi and the Office Director Mario Zamprotta attended the promotion event to represent World Chilli Alliance and to sig
2019/10/18Thanks to theConsulate General of Italyin Chongqing, which invited us to join the Italian Pavillion providingus an exhibition booth, and all the organizers for givingus the opportunity to participate in this important fair held in Chengdu(Capital of the Chinese Province of Sichuan and one of the spicy centre inChina) organized by People\'s Government of Sichuan Province from 26th to 29th September. The display of awide range of Italian and International chilli-based products attracted flocksof c
2019/09/30Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-La: Peopleusually go there to relax, enjoy the natural scenery and the ethnic minorityculture. Yunnan food is also a draw. The chilli sure isn’t. Ask anybody what they think of Yunnan food,and the diversity of ingredients will come to mind. The variety of mushroomsalone. Maybe the hint of spice that one often finds in Yunnan cuisine. It isnot particularly renowned for a special spiciness, though. The Tea Horse Road and Chilli Gerald Zhang-Schmidt, science speciali
2019/09/26In the wake of the tour to discover thespiciest cities around Europe and related festivals and fairs focused on chillipepper, World Chilli Alliance had the pleasure to take part in 2019 PaprikaFestival held in Kalocsa from 13 th to 14 th September, attending the event witha dedicated booth on site. During the visit, WCA Office Director, Mario Zamprotta , hadthe chance to officially introduce World Chilli Alliance and its worldwideinitiatives, meeting an audience composed of corporate leaders, fa
2019/09/17This year World Chilli Alliance was invited to take part in the 27 th edition of the Chilli Pepper Festival (Festival del Peperoncino) held inDiamante, a little town in Southern Italy from 11 th to 15 th September. Festival del Peperoncino is one of the most famous chilli related eventin Europe, launched in 1992 by Enzo Monaco, President of the Italian ChilliPepper Academy and President for Europe of the World Chilli Alliance. The festival is a five-day event that chilli lovers should not miss i
2019/09/16© 2020 World Chilli Alliance. All Rights Reserved.