The Signature Ceremony between World Trade Point Federation and World Chilli Alliance and between Progetto CMR and World Chilli Alliance during the 2nd CIIE in Shanghai

date:2019-11-08 views:1898

Following the opening ceremony of the “biggest hot pot in the world” displayed by Dezhuang group in the designated pavilion, other two important ceremonies took place during the 2nd China International Import Expo in Shanghai that we want to share with all our spicy supporters and friends:


First of all, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the World Trade Point Federation (WTPF) represented by the President Mr Bruno Masier and the World Chilli Alliance (WCA) represented by the Executive President Mr Li Dejian.


A second ceremony for the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) beetwen Progetto CMR (Beijing) Architectural Design Consultants Co., Ltd represented by the Managing Partner Mr Massimo Bagnasco and the World Chilli Alliance (WCA).


The Expo in Shanghai also gave us the opportunity to meet again with our Representative for Malaysia Dato' Chong Chong Tik, an occasion to discuss about our next encounter in Malaysia for the participation in Malaysia International Branding Showcase from 12th to 14th December at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

Phone: +8617880267457
E-mail: secretariate@worldchillialliance.com
Address: Blue Ocean Financial Center 9-9, Building 2, Qiaobeiyuan Road Jiangbei District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
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