
date:2019-06-03 views:10104

ChinItaly is a consultancy firm founded in 2016 with the aim of supporting the creation as well as the implementation of industrial, commercial and cultural exchanges between Italy and China. 

A deep understanding of business activities and networks in both territories, coupled by strong project management and marketing skills, makes ChinItaly the ideal partner for many companies wishing to either establish or enhance business operations in these markets.

ChinItaly distances itself from traditional consultancy firms by adding localized contents to its clients’ value propositions, while, at the same time, providing one-stop shop services through its extensive network of qualified consultants. 

In addition to its advisory services, ChinItaly selects, develops and operate, internally, innovative solutions and projects in various commercial, industrial and cultural fields, along with its companies and government partnerships in regard to internationalization services.

Next: ChinEAT
Phone: +8617880267457
E-mail: secretariate@worldchillialliance.com
Address: Blue Ocean Financial Center 9-9, Building 2, Qiaobeiyuan Road Jiangbei District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
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