Launch of the charity activity “We are with China, and You?” to support the fight against the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

date:2020-02-10 views:2467

The World Chilli Alliance (WCA) has formally launched the charity initiative “We are with China, and you?”, aimed at creating and strengthening support systems for the Chinese communities most affected by the health crisis caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The public awareness campaign aims to spread news about the aforementioned crisis in a transparent and effective way, especially as it has had the effect of causing ethnic discrimination against Chinese residents abroad.

“China needs the support of the international community”, said the Executive President of the WCA, Mr. Li Dejian, emphasizing how important it is to “maintain rationality, humanitarianism and integrity during this time of great hardship for the populations affected by the spread of the aforementioned virus”. Confident in a prompt resolution to this emergency, Mr Li added that the WCA “confides in the help of individuals and businesses, as well as institutional and governmental bodies at the international level, so that everyone can be involved in this world-system and take an active role, even if only in a small way, in expressions and representations of solidarity among people”. “Besides the economic significance of your contribution, don't forget that behind these deeds there is a great sense of human warmth, a resource necessary for the people of the world”, concluded Mr. Li.

This statement was also confirmed by the President for Europe of the World Chilli Alliance and President of the Italian Chili Pepper Academy, Enzo Monaco, who wanted to praise China for all the efforts it has made in containing the health crisis. “We are talking about a country with a population of around one and a half billion people, more than double the European population. We are witnessing an event that will surely be recorded in the annals of world history, not just because of the seriousness of the crisis but also due to the incredible work done to contain it, starting from the efforts made by the local medical staff, which I hope can always count on the support and solidarity of the international communities”. “It is a call to remain focused in our daily lives and to remember that the friendship among people not only has roots in our past but it is also a fundamental pillar of our present and future” added WCA President Enzo Monaco in the conclusion of his speech.

The World Chilli Alliance is a non-profit organization established in Rome in 2018, with operational offices in China (Chongqing) and USA (New Mexico). It aims to promote encounters and exchanges among cultures and people, connected by the chilli pepper. So far, the Association is comprised of members from over 20 countries and has appointed representatives in 9 countries. The chilli pepper stands as a symbol of the World Chilli Alliance. In the view of its long and historical paths among international communities, it acts as a medium which spreads universal values. Besides, the chilli pepper, due to its simplicity and practicality, has managed to enter not only in the common imagination as the most popular spice in the world, but has also managed to become an integral part, if not the main character, of numerous culinary and gastronomic traditions. And it is precisely in China that the chilli pepper has perhaps already become the embodiment of the marriage between gastronomic traditions and culture, man and nature.

For us, the chili pepper recalls all these values. For us, the meanings of friendship and brotherhood lie in this spice.

Therefore, the WCA announces the launch of the aforementioned initiative in which not only its own members, but all individuals, private and public bodies, can join by:

1. free donations of funds;

2. donations of medical supplies (see the attached document); 

3. contacting suppliers of medical material mentioned above.Please contact us :secretariate@worldchillialliance.com

4. sending videos/photos/poems/thoughts of support and comfort towards China.Please contact us :secretariate@worldchillialliance.com

The WCA will use all these contributions for the purchase of medical material that will be shipped to hospitals in need. All videos/photos/encouraging messages will be collected in digital form and made available to the international and local media for dissemination within their networks to comfort the communities affected by this crisis, aimed at directing the attention of the world toward this emergency, calling on the slogan of this campaign "We are with China, and you?".

Thank you for your kind support in spreading the word.

Phone: +8617880267457
E-mail: secretariate@worldchillialliance.com
Address: Blue Ocean Financial Center 9-9, Building 2, Qiaobeiyuan Road Jiangbei District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
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