DeZhuang International

date:2019-03-27 views:10790

DeZhuang International is a platform established with the aim of supporting internationalization strategies of Chinese companies involved in the catering and F/B sectors through the creation of innovative and win-win cooperation projects globally. At the same time, it also provides professional services for foreign counterparts that wish to expand their business operations in China.

DeZhuang International takes its name from its main strategic partner, DeZhuang Group, one of the most recognized Chinese hot-pot brands with extensive competences in products' R/D as well as in food processing activities (spicy sauces, condiments and much more). Besides cooperation with other thirs parties (restaurants openings in foreign markets, products distribution operations and international promotion activities), DeZhuang International also develops, internally, food-related concepts for global expansion.

Phone: +8617880267457
E-mail: secretariate@worldchillialliance.com
Address: Blue Ocean Financial Center 9-9, Building 2, Qiaobeiyuan Road Jiangbei District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
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